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Project Updates


Okay!! As you can see, there's now TWO progress bars that have been added to the top of this page! I feel like this would be easier to update than constantly post about the stuff I'm doing. I'm officially working on rewriting the outline! That's all right now.


I started working on the updated sprites for Sports Trip! There really is no update for the actual website for the project YET. I might go ahead & update the index page's code from the test page. But anyways- I've really only worked on Rimon's sprites. Hopefully, later this week, I'll get to work on Brie's. UPDATE AS OF 11:25 PM EST: Index page has officially been fully updated!! Now you can see the selection screen! Page links will update over time with more content/information. I need to work on rewriting the script and finishing sprites. I think I might add a progress bar to this page! Who knows.

Who are these characters?