7/17/2023 Another site update! This time I actually made the pages for the navbar links.
I've been trying to write for my project but I've been feeling really uninspired & unmotivated. I really don't know why. I think I might be really distracted by many other things. Maybe I need to tweak my creative process or something. It's hard to get into "big" projects like this for me since I usually abandon it after a couple of weeks or days. It's more like an impulse choice, but this is the only project I feel more connected to. I might actually start doing time management scheduling which would be great for steadily getting updates out. Don't know! It's hard creating things.
8/5/2023 Hi! It's been a bit. I've been planning on possibly adding more cool pages to explore on this site but I don't know where to begin. That's all :/

A bit of a vent post. Sorry :/
I am currently in a slumber-fueled rut right now. I've been sleeping for way too long during the day and staying up all night. I don't know how my sleep schedule even got this bad, but it's been pretty depressing. I can't even do the stuff I need to do or want to. My motivation is completely down the drain. I'm barely inspired for more than a short burst. I really want to read more, watch more movies, and draw more for projects, but I'm completely at a lost. School is starting up again soon so maybe it's my mind going back to that state. I don't know. I really want to do more than I have done. Ughhhh. I just want to lay around and sleep and it SUCKS. I don't know why I'm stuck like this right now!! It's so dumb.